Wednesday, May 20, 2009

OMG! Ferrero Rocher

my favorite chocolate HANDS DOWN! hmm i just finished a box just like this just two minutes ago. lol im not lieinggg! and the other day me and my boyfriend had got into a huuuge fight and originally i was going to just over his house and get my stuff and leave. When i met up him to go to his house, he hade a card and THESE CHOCOLATES in his hand. Then he kissed me. OMG i was so happy lol.(nice way to set me up babe) i know i seem really fat right now but, i love these so much =]

Friday, May 15, 2009


alrighy guys this blog is NOT for you lol. but for my ladies out there. ugggh i love heeeels! one of the best ways to show off your sexy legs.....i am in love with these below, its alot but maaan this is my fetish. couldnt help it lol. NO LIE if i was to buy these in one day, my total would be $1200. wow i have alot of saving to do =]

I'll get used to it :)

OMGOOOSH! i completely dont understand my jooob lol. i guest when i applied, i should've reminded myself that it was a supermarket. its sooo much you have to remember and know about. you reallly have to pay attention to EVERY SINGLE THING! i must admit, their training sessions is excellent. they take you step-by-step, and i love it! today we practiced bagging and cashiering. Bagging is waaaay easier lol. but i love challenges and i love people putting me to work. it keeps me busy and time flys that way. at first they had me working like two days a week. NOO THAT CANT HAPPEN. i want that $$$, but i put it to my manger's attention that im a graduate and can work any time. i was shocked that she didnt know that. she was like "oh reaally! thank God, i reeeally need people in the morning and evenings, whatever! yes of course i'll give you more hours!" i was thrilled. so yup making alot $$$ and i wasnt even there for a month. thats wussup. im soo proud of myself :) thinking about spoiling myself extra! even though i dont really understand any thing at this moment, as i get familiar with everything ill start progressing in all my fields and soon ill be saying "mannn that job is a piece of cake." so here i go, off to my new job! and i have a reason to be saucy.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

reeeeal fast !

alright well i gotta hurry because im supposed to be getting ready for work, hehe =] . today is my first daaaay! im so excited to start!!! and i know i havent been blogging lately, thats only because ive been so busy with college stuff and this job. i really hope everything is worth it.
im late i know -- happy mothers day to all those mothers out there. what you do for your mother ? im thrilled to know. but anyway, for my mom she got tons of card and flowers from the family. i made her a BIIG breakfast took me like a hooour. wooah! and lots of gifts. she started crying, she was soooo happy!
kaaay ! i gotta go and i have to do my hair and thats no five minute job =/ and oh we get paid every friday so i should be getting my check tomorrow for attending that looong four hour orientation. not much but enough to buy this HIOT necklace from icing i spotted! aahhhh $$$$$$ lol
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