Thursday, May 14, 2009

reeeeal fast !

alright well i gotta hurry because im supposed to be getting ready for work, hehe =] . today is my first daaaay! im so excited to start!!! and i know i havent been blogging lately, thats only because ive been so busy with college stuff and this job. i really hope everything is worth it.
im late i know -- happy mothers day to all those mothers out there. what you do for your mother ? im thrilled to know. but anyway, for my mom she got tons of card and flowers from the family. i made her a BIIG breakfast took me like a hooour. wooah! and lots of gifts. she started crying, she was soooo happy!
kaaay ! i gotta go and i have to do my hair and thats no five minute job =/ and oh we get paid every friday so i should be getting my check tomorrow for attending that looong four hour orientation. not much but enough to buy this HIOT necklace from icing i spotted! aahhhh $$$$$$ lol


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