Friday, May 15, 2009

I'll get used to it :)

OMGOOOSH! i completely dont understand my jooob lol. i guest when i applied, i should've reminded myself that it was a supermarket. its sooo much you have to remember and know about. you reallly have to pay attention to EVERY SINGLE THING! i must admit, their training sessions is excellent. they take you step-by-step, and i love it! today we practiced bagging and cashiering. Bagging is waaaay easier lol. but i love challenges and i love people putting me to work. it keeps me busy and time flys that way. at first they had me working like two days a week. NOO THAT CANT HAPPEN. i want that $$$, but i put it to my manger's attention that im a graduate and can work any time. i was shocked that she didnt know that. she was like "oh reaally! thank God, i reeeally need people in the morning and evenings, whatever! yes of course i'll give you more hours!" i was thrilled. so yup making alot $$$ and i wasnt even there for a month. thats wussup. im soo proud of myself :) thinking about spoiling myself extra! even though i dont really understand any thing at this moment, as i get familiar with everything ill start progressing in all my fields and soon ill be saying "mannn that job is a piece of cake." so here i go, off to my new job! and i have a reason to be saucy.


  1. Very smart move. You never know unless you ask; it's how it is.

  2. Girl get it! $$$$
    Its a blessing to have a job...and even more of a blessing if u get your hours!


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